
Thank you for your interest in Areté Learning Trust.

Our name was chosen because of the values represented by the Greek word ἀρετή which encapsulates striving for excellence, fulfilling our purpose and becoming the best we can be. It is associated in mythology with bravery, generosity of spirit and moral courage, as well as with achievement – aspirations which we hold dear for all students in our ALT schools.

The core aim of the Areté Learning Trust is to give children and young people from all backgrounds an outstanding education. In doing so, they will acquire the values, skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for the next step in life. Our ethos is based upon a fully inclusive approach to education, high expectations, a clear focus on outstanding teaching and learning and making sure that we meet the needs of every learner and fulfil their potential. We are determined to be at the forefront of the pursuit of excellence in education and welcome any collaboration which will support us in this endeavour.